
Price information

Good to know

We have summarised the most important price information in Adlerhof and general information for you.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact us!

The following conditions apply:

Up to 31 days BEFORE arrival: free cancellation possible
30 - 15 days BEFORE arrival: 70 % of the arranged price
14-0 days BEFORE arrival: 100 % of the arranged price

We recommend you taking out travel insurance at the time of booking with the Europäische Reiseversicherung.

  • Prices in Euros
  • The prices are per apartment/day excl. local tax: € 2 per person/day (from 01.05. to 31.10.) and € 3 per person/day (from 01.11. to 30.04.)
  • For stays of less than 4 days we charge a surcharge of € 20 per apartment per day.
  • For the final cleaning we charge € 65 - € 95.
  • Pets are only allowed in one apartment on request!
  • The apartments are available from 3 pm to 8 pm on the day of arrival (if you require a later check-in – please let us know) and are available until 10 am on the day of departure.
  • We do not accept payment by card
  • To confirm a booking a deposit must be paid
  • In the event of no-show, delayed arrival or early departure the total cost will be charged.
  • The conditions of the österr. Hotelreglements apply.


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